Everything I've learned in 10 years of Blogging
December 15, 2018
I’m 21, but I’ve been blogging for almost 10 years.
I grew up doing this.
What I’ve written on the internet has reached millions of people. Most of what I’ve written is in Italian, but I was also quite successful when writing in english. My Quora profile, reached 400k people in three months.
Through blogging I had the opportunity to travel the world, getting free tickets to all the biggest music festivals (Ultra, Tomorrowland.. you name it), getting promos from the Majors and interviewing my favorite artists.
The art of Sales, (Not So) Secrets from Old School Marketers
November 5, 2018
Marketing on the internet isn’t much different from Marketing on any other medium.
So let’s go back a hundred years to get some inspiration.
Inspiration from the 1920s
After selling 100 million books of his series Little Blue Book marketer Julius Hadleman wrote a book analysing all the data he had collected.
The book title is “The First Hundred Million” and it came out in 1928 (email me if you need help finding it) and features an interesting collection of proven Titles that work and insights on what we’re interested in reading.
VC is like Soviet Statism
October 31, 2018
VCs do everything you would expect the USSR would do, while being a private company.
Financing projects without asking too many questions. Sometimes people refer to this as VC welfare. If a company puts the right combination of “disruptive”, “blockchain” and “AI” in their slides they receive funding. Showing some APIs, an app with users (real or fake) the money flows him.
With no real technical evaluation.
Financing projects without asking too many questions. Sometimes people refer to this as Social welfare. If a company puts the right combination of “surplus”, “proletarians” in their presentations they receive funding. Showing some building, a product and have employees (working or not) the money flows him.
Sales for Cybersecurity Saas
October 23, 2018
It’s been almost I month after I started working on Magehash
This is my first cybersecurity product I’ve ever developed so I decided to share what I learned so far!
1) Selling Pain Points
We can divide products into three different groups: candies, painkillers and vitamins.
We don’t want to have much to do with candies.
Vitamins are interesting.
We love Painkillers.
For Cyber security software it’s hard to be a painkiller as what we’re generally trying to do is prevent attacks. Generally these kinds of products are like vitamins, they make us stronger, but we don’t really notice the effect they have on our health.
Everything you need to know on Magecart Attacks
October 19, 2018
In the last month a group of hackers called Magecart came back striking in full force.
They first appeared in the news back in 2015 when RiskIQ found out they injected code in Magento’s “Magecart” shopping software. Thus the name.
The attacks they organized have caused massive damages to hundreds, likely even thousands of companies like British Airways, Ticketmaster and even Newegg.
This group is specialized in card skimming payment forms on the internet.
Lessons from launching on Product Hunt
September 22, 2018
Two months ago I hadn’t launched any solo project that got users.
Until lately everything I had ever done was with someone else, usually with a compatible skillset. The problem with this approach is that if someone on the team loses interest or is busy the project dies out.
As this happened a couple of times I decided to take some time and work on projects by myself.
The products I launched
Klipped.in (https://klipped.in)
Dripform - No Bullshit Forms
August 25, 2018
A little more than two months ago Konstantin asked me how long would it take for me to develop something that would let him receive forms on his website as Telegram messages.
I wasn’t sure how long it would take, but finding the task interesting I decided to just do it.
In an afternoon of work I made the first version of “Dripform”.
After making it I started exchanging ideas via email with Marc-Antoine who is working on a similar product. (btw Marc thanks for correcting my messages in french)
What is wrong with Italy?
June 4, 2018
We now have a government in Italy.
Everyone around me is talking about this, so I figured out I might as well try to analyse what are the biggest problems the country is facing.
Here is a list of existential problems we face:
Labor Market laws make it almost impossible or extremely costly to hire/fire anyone.
Organised Crime, Tax evasion, Corruption and waste of public money plague the country.
The juidicial system is extremely slow and inefficient. If someone scams you, you might have to wait years for them to be prosecuted.
From Idea to MVP in a Saturday Night
April 24, 2018
Every time you finish writing a blog post you get that feeling that it’s not ready to post it.
It’s time for proofreading, but it’s painful to proofread your own writings.
What is fun instead is reading someone else’s writings.
So how great would it be if you could post your drafts somewhere, read and comment a couple of blog posts by people with your same interests, while your own get proofread by people like you?