Healthcare should not be free
May 17, 2020
An axiomatic deduction of “Healthcare should not be free” starting from 5 agreeable axioms.
I like the idea of my site being a snapshot of my thoughts that I can point to people when having a discussion.
I don’t like repeating the same arguments over and over.
So here are some of my thoughts on “Socialised Healthcare”[1] for wider exposure and future reference.
I’ll start with 5 agreeable axioms and use them systematically to derive “Healthcare should not be free”
How to create boolean operators with Nand
April 18, 2020
Doing the nand2tetris course is an extremely enlightning experience into the world of computers.
The course starts from the simplest building block, the “NAND” operators and helps you step by step to building a modern, functioning computer, OS and tetris Game.
The NAnd block stands for Not And.
It takes two binary inputs, A and B and outputs true only if they both aren’t true.
A B Output 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 To derive the Not operation we have to find a way of using NAnd to have this output:
Embracing the tech bro meme
April 6, 2020
Every year I look back at myself one year back and cringe.
So as a gift to my future self, this is a collection of all my current habits
I know I’m making a meme out of myself
Note taking I take a lot of notes. After trying many apps I’ve settled on Apple Notes. My thinking here is that the standard Notes app is here to stay. Even if I ever go broke I still should still be able to access it.
What's your company size?
December 29, 2019
I set out to write this article by interviewing 40+ engineers at companies of all sizes.
The main learning here was that organizational design and culture are a fascinating topic, and that they might be as important then company size when picking a job.
Let’s say you’re early in your Software Engineer career.
You’re a competent programmer looking for a change in working environment.
You’ve got 4 offers from four companies at different stages.
Go, Chess - East, West
October 20, 2019
How two board games shape the concept of conflict in the western world and China.
Let’s start with two photos:
Who won?
Try and guess who won in the two games.
In the first picture, even if you don’t understand the game you can guess who won.
You can tell that the white is smashing the black into a corner.
And has more pieces in play.
Chess is a game based on domination.
From idea to 100k uniques per week in two months
June 30, 2019
This is a roundup of my experience as a 👨🏻🍳 Chef Technology Officer, building the tech side of Al.ta Cucina, the fastest growing recipe site in Italy!
In two months we went from idea 💡, to product:
The Story April 15th.
I just finished interviewing for a bunch of tech companies to move away from Italy.
I’m trying to figure out where I want to go and what I want to do next.
Create a Development Gmail Account for Testing
March 30, 2019
You are developing an app that uses emails, and need a testing account?
What’s the fastest and easiest way to get a test account up and running?
By default Gmail doesn’t support email importing from a file.
So the first step we’ll have to go through is creating an Outlook email account here:
Create an Outlook Account
After creating an Outlook account we need to import data into it.
The reason I suggest you use Outlook is that it supports a format called .
Is Universal Basic Income a free lunch?
March 5, 2019
If there’s something that I held as a deep belief growing up is that there is not such a thing as a free lunch.
I also developed an instinct to spot trends.
Mostly to find opportunities, but also for fun.
So when I stumbled upon Andrew Yang. I listened to a couple of his interviews and realised his ideas are powerful and bipartisan.
The way he talks makes him likable both on the left and on the right.
Music I like
January 29, 2019
The music I like isn’t that ordinary, but I’d say it’s popular among developers in my age group.
I found that every time I meet someone in person that codes professionally the discussion at a certain point moves to “What do you listen when you code?”, “What is your favourite genre/artist?”.
Here’s what developers from big cities in the 20-30 age group tend to listen.
Take it easy my brother Charlie
A functional IDE for React
December 21, 2018
6 years ago this video came out.
At the time I couldn’t code yet.
This concept is still mind blowing to me.
Up until now I always thought about code as a collection of files, connected through imports.
But really we import functions, not files.
We use files to store code because they’re a convenient way to serialize code. They’re not the best representation, in fact functions might provide a better one.